First Announcement

On March 16-17, 2023, the Department of Aerospace Geodesy and Land Management of the National Aviation University will host the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Technologies in Land Management, Land Administration and Cadastre". The conference is annual and is held on the Day of the Land Manager of Ukraine.

The conference will discuss urgent issues in the field of land management and land administration, land relations during martial law, land management of territorial hromadas (municipalities), updating the planning and cartographic basis, development of complex municipality spatial development plans, use of remote sensing data, creation of geoportals, integration of geospatial data into the National Geospatial Data Infrastructure. The modern navigation and geodetic equipment, software and advanced technologies for solving problems of land management and spatial planning of territories will be presented.

The partners of the conference are: StateGeoCadastre of Ukraine; Research Institute of Geodesy and Cartography (Ukraine); KMS, the official distributor of Trimble Corporation in Ukraine; Navigation Geodetic Center, the official distributor of Leica Geosystems Corporation in Ukraine; System Solutions; Hi-Target; CHC Navigation; ElNav; EverScan; TVIS, the first supermarket of space images in Ukraine; Drone.UA; Kaylas; ESRI Ukraine; Hexagon; Shels; Geonix; All-Ukrainian Association of Amalgamated Territorial Communities; GIS Association of Ukraine; Ukrainian Aerial Geodetic Association, University of Agriculture in Kraków (Poland), Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (Poland).

The conference will take place over two days in an online format on the Zoom platform: 

  • March 16, 2023: a plenary session with the participation of representatives of state authorities, state and private organizations, experts in the field of geodesy, surveying, land management and cadastre;
  • March 17, 2023: an oral session with the participation of researchers, young scientists, PhD students, students.

The working languages of the conference are Ukrainian and English.

To participate in the conference, please register on the website until March 13, 2023.

To publish abstract, please send the file with the abstract to until March 13, 2023. The electronic book of abstracts will be published on the conference website.

Participation in the conference is free, participants will receive certificates.

The conference program and Zoom link will be sent to all registered participants by e-mail. If you have any questions, call or write the Olena Boyko (Viber: 093-522-90-28).

We invite to participate in the conference experts in topography, geodesy, suveying, cartography, land management,  land administration, cadastre and researchers, PhD students, students!

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